World Day of Social Justice – Call for adoption of the higher standards of social rights
The UN General Assembly proclaimed 20th February as the World Day of Social Justice in November 2007. 192 member states supported efforts of the international community in poverty eradication,…
Letter to the President of Parliament regarding referendum against Cyrillic inscriptions
Motivated by the citizen’s initiative for organizing a referendum against Cyrillic inscriptions in the city of Vukovar, the Ombudswoman on 27th February 2014 wrote a letter to the President…
Ombudswoman’s reaction to the Civil Service Act Proposal and its possible negative impact on the independence and quality of administrative work – February 27th, 2014
According to the institutions’ monitoring powers over administration from the human rights perspective the Office has a vast insight in the structural problems of the Croatian administration, based…
Ombudswoman’s statement and the New Year’s greeting
In her statement, made at the end of year 2013, the Croatian Ombudswoman gave an overview of the main events which marked the year and had an impact…
Revised European Social Charter – realisation of a social welfare state
With the Council of Europe’s support and under the City of Zagreb auspices, NGO Pragma organised on 19 November 2013 the meeting on „Revised European Charter – realisation…
NPM members participated at the First meeting of the Medical group of South East Europe NPM Network
NPM members participated at the First meeting of the Medical group of the South East Europe NPM Network, held in Belgrade on October 23-25, 2013. A two-day meeting…
Ombudswoman’s advisors visited persons deprived of liberty in Istria
At the beginning of October 2013 advisers to the Ombudswoman visited and inspected detention and police units in Istria, both in the competence of National Preventive Mechanism Against…
NPM visited Lepoglava Penitentiary
NPM members paid an unannounced visit to the Lepoglava Penitentiary in the period from November 11th to 15th , 2013 in order to strengthen the protection of persons…
Ombudswomen pleaded for tolerance, Joint press conference of the Ombuds institutions in Croatia on Human Rights Day
Tolerance is not an abstract and formal notion; tolerance means an active advocacy for the respect of equal rights for all and an obligation of each individual and…
Second meeting of the NPM members
At the premises of the Office of the Ombudsman on November 19th 2012 the second meeting of the NPM members was held. All members of the NPM were…
Ombudswoman Submits Report 2023 Annual Report to the Croatian Parliament
The Importance and Impact of Political Discourse in the Pre-Election Period
International Conference Marks End of the Project on the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law
Conference “Human Rights in Croatia” Marks 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Parliamentary Committee on Human and National Minority Rights Votes in Favor of the Ombudswoman’s 2022 Annual Report
World Homeless Day – Invisible, but also Forgotten?