People before borders – Protection before border control (ENNHRI Statement on Tragedies in Mediterranean Sea)
Since January 2015 at least 1,550 people have died in their attempt to cross the Mediterranean, in search of safety or a better life. Just a few months…
The first meeting of the Platform for Roma Integration
National human rights bodies, bodies for combating discrimination and equality promotion and European ombudsman institutions had the first meeting in October 2013. The representatives of the Council of…
The Office of the Ombudsman opened its regional office in Osijek
The Office of the Ombudsman opened its regional office in Osijek on November 26th. The Ombudswoman LLM Lora Vidović talked about the work and role of the Ombudsman…
Godišnji sastanak radne grupe za pravo Europske mreže nacionalnih institucija za ljudska prava (ENNHRI)
U petak 21. studenog 2014. godine održan je godišnji sastanak Radne grupe za pravo ( LWG) u Njemačkom institutu za ljudska prava u Berlinu, na kojem je sudjelovala…
Opening of the Regional Office of the Ombudsman in Rijeka
Regional Office of the Ombudsman was opened on November 17th 2014 in Rijeka at Korzo 2a / I and it was an opportunity to present the work and…
The European General Assembly of the International Ombudsman Institute (Tallinn 2014)
The European General Assembly of the International Ombudsman Institute, attended by Ombudswoman Lora Vidovic, was held in Tallinn on September 17th. International Ombudsman Institute is a global network of…
The second UPR report for Croatia submitted to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Yesterday, the Ombudswoman submitted to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights the NHRI report during the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Republic…
National conference on Anti-Discrimination Act: Are we combating discrimination? Application of Anti-Discrimination Act
National conference on Anti-Discrimination Act ´´Are we combating discrimination? Application of Anti-Discrimination Act´´ was held on Tuesday, December 2nd 2014, at Hotel Dubrovnik in Zagreb. The conference was organized…
Ombudswoman Submits Report 2023 Annual Report to the Croatian Parliament
The Importance and Impact of Political Discourse in the Pre-Election Period
International Conference Marks End of the Project on the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law
Conference “Human Rights in Croatia” Marks 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Parliamentary Committee on Human and National Minority Rights Votes in Favor of the Ombudswoman’s 2022 Annual Report
World Homeless Day – Invisible, but also Forgotten?