Potrebno je povećati standard za fizikalnu terapiju u kući
Pritužbe građana pokazuju nedostatak fizioterapeuta za fizikalnu terapiju u kući bolesnika, zbog čega je potrebno mijenjati standarde utvrđene Mrežom javne zdravstvene službe. Upozorila je na to pučka pravobraniteljica…
In memoriam – Jurica Malčić (1942 – 2018) ex Ombudsman
With great grief we have received the news that Mr. Jurica Malčić, ex Ombudsman, has passed away on Monday in Zagreb in the age of 76. As a…
ENNHRI stresses the role of NHRIs as human rights defenders
At the General Assembly Meeting held in Brussels on 30 November 2017, ENNHRI members stressed, in a new statement, the role of NHRIs as human rights defenders to…
Campaign “Differences are not a barrier. For a society without discrimination”
Combating discrimination and prejudice about those who are “different” is in focus of the public campaign “Differences are not a barrier. For a society without discrimination”, which was…
Human rights have no expiration date; they need to be better protected in elderly homes
Lack of staff in homes for older persons in long-term care as well as their lack of knowledge on human rights are the main causes of violation of…
Ljudska prava nemaju rok trajanja, u domovima za starije potrebno ih je snažnije zaštititi
Manjak zaposlenih u domovima za starije i nemoćne, kao i nedostatak njihove edukacije o ljudskim pravima, glavni su uzroci kršenja prava u ovim ustanovama. Korisnici su zadovoljni kvalitetom…
Najava: Konferencija o ljudskim pravima korisnika domova za starije i nemoćne
Ususret Međunarodnom danu ljudskih prava, koji se diljem svijeta obilježava 10. prosinca, pučka pravobraniteljica Lora Vidović organizira konferenciju “Ljudska prava nemaju rok trajanja: Život u domu za starije…
Ombudswoman met families of disappeared and killed persons in Homeland War
Problems faced by the families of disappeared and killed persons in the Homeland War were in the focus of the meeting Ombudswoman Lora Vidović held with representatives of…
FRA: The fight against discrimination and hate towards minorities still fails to deliver nearly 10 years on
Persisting widespread discrimination, intolerance and hatred across the EU threatens to marginalise and alienate many minority group members who otherwise feel largely attached to the country they live…
EU and NHRIs: towards more effective engagement in promoting and protecting human rights
At the seminar on EU – NHRI engagement organised by ENNHRI on 29 November in Brussels, about 120 representatives of NHRIs, EU Institutions, CSOs and other regional bodies…
Konferencija „Kažnjavanje siromaštva: Prisilni rad korisnika socijalne pomoći“
Okrugli stol „Obrazovanje – pravo, a ne dar“
Izvještaj o vladavini prava: civilno društvo i sudjelovanje u procesima donošenja odluka
Međunarodni dan sjećanja na žrtve holokausta
Dan vjerske slobode
Međunarodni dan obrazovanja