Investigation following the coronavirus infection of long term care beneficiaries in Split
Ombudswoman Lora Vidović initiated an investigation after ten beneficiaries of the Home for the Elderly in Split were infected by the coronavirus. The media reports stated the Croatian…
What does the pandemic have to do with human rights?
Coronavirus epidemic is a test of societies, of governments, of communities and of individuals as it can only be suppressed by our joint efforts, responsibility, solidarity and cooperation….
How to protect the rights of older persons during the pandemic?
Older persons, most of them also chronically ill, are at extremely high risk of serious consequences of coronavirus infection, which is why they need to be effectively protected,…
Human rights in emergency situations – activities during fires and floods
The coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, as all emergency situations of similar proportions, such as floods, fires or earthquakes, is inseparable from human rights and Ombudswoman Lora Vidović closely monitores…
Are residents connected to local water systems drinking healthy water?
Households throughout Croatia are supplied with safe drinking water through public water systems, so they can drink it from the tap, without the need to use bottled water…
Stigmatization can lead to violations of rights, discrimination and can impair the efforts in containing the pandemic
Living in times of widespread fear from COVID-19, caused by the coronavirus, citizens who are perceived to be infected, or those who indeed are infected, are in an…
Insulting and utterly inappropriate statement by an MP about older persons
As the coronavirus pandemic rages throughout the world, with over one million infected and already taking more than 70,000 lives of people of all ages, Croatian MP Ivan…
The pandemic may have a particularly heavy impact on the Roma population
International Roma Day is celebrated every year on April 8th, commemorating the first World Roma Congress in London in 1971, where the green and blue flag was reaffirmed…
It is necessary to provide prevention measures within the prison system
Some of the most common complaints persons deprived of liberty have sent to Ombudswoman Lora Vidović in the recent years, have been related to the inaccessibility of adequate…
Equinet blog: No crisis can undermine the fundamental value of equality
The global coronavirus pandemic is a great test for almost all countries, their institutions, health and economic systems, but it also represents a major challenge for each individual….
Ombudswoman Submits Report 2023 Annual Report to the Croatian Parliament
The Importance and Impact of Political Discourse in the Pre-Election Period
International Conference Marks End of the Project on the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law
Conference “Human Rights in Croatia” Marks 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Parliamentary Committee on Human and National Minority Rights Votes in Favor of the Ombudswoman’s 2022 Annual Report
World Homeless Day – Invisible, but also Forgotten?