European Commission against Racism and Intolerance warns about the situation in Europe
Increasing influence of ultra-nationalistic and xenophobic political options in many European countries, the increasing prevalence of hate speech on social networks, and the growing antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred…
Tena Šimonović Einwalter reelected as Chair of the Executive Board of Equinet
During the Annual General Assembly of the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet), held in Bruxelles on October 23rd, the Deputy Ombudswoman Tena Šimonović Einwalter, was reelected for…
25 years of ECRI celebrated in Paris
Promoting equality and combating racism and intolerance are crucial for Europe’s future. The efforts already made towards greater equality have improved the living conditions of many Europeans, fostered…
Europska komisija protiv rasizma i netolerancije (ECRI) Vijeća Europe objavila nove opće preporuke za jačanje tijela za jednakost
Kako bi bolje zaštitile ljude izložene diskriminaciji, države bi trebale povećati učinkovitost, neovisnost i utjecaj tijela za jednakost, kaže Europska komisija protiv rasizma i netolerancije (ECRI) Vijeća Europe…
Ombudswoman Submits Report 2023 Annual Report to the Croatian Parliament
The Importance and Impact of Political Discourse in the Pre-Election Period
International Conference Marks End of the Project on the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law
Conference “Human Rights in Croatia” Marks 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Parliamentary Committee on Human and National Minority Rights Votes in Favor of the Ombudswoman’s 2022 Annual Report
World Homeless Day – Invisible, but also Forgotten?