Office of the Ombudswoman regularly receives queries from domestic and foreign media about the police treatment of migrants, namely, the allegations on violence and problems with access to the international protection. We can confirm that the Ombudswoman has opened several cases and the investigative procedures are ongoing, based on complaints filed by migrants, NGOs and international organisations, and opened on own initiative. The procedure of establishing the truthfulness of those claims includes communication with complainants, Ministry of Interior as well as unannounced field visits, especially to police stations.

The abovementioned investigative procedures are still ongoing and at this stage, we are not able to give further information. However, upon their closure, we will inform the public with our findings and conclusions.

The Ombudswoman intensively monitors the state of human rights of asylum seekers and irregular migrants. All relevant information collected so far, together with recommendations to the responsible bodies, can be found in the 2017 Annual Report to the Croatian parliament.