By entering into force on the 1st July 2019 of the Whistle blowers Act the ombudsman’s institution shall get another mandate, those of a body for the whistle blowers’ protection.
The incumbent Ombudswoman has accepted the legal initiative for the whistle blowers protection since the fight against corruption is one of the most important social interests. Therefore the Office was included in drafting of the Act and some of its suggestions for the improvement the legal narrative were included in the text, although not all who would further strengthen the protection of persons who report irregularities.
Among the accepted proposals were the inclusion of employees in election of a confidential person and her/his deputy, wider obligation of bodies to deliver information to the ombudsman regarding the measures undertaken for the whistle blowers’ protection as well as no judicial fees for the whistle blower’ protection.
However, some concrete proposals which would ensure the ombudsman’s office efficiency in whistle blowers’ protection and enlarge the number of legal entities which would have to introduce mechanisms for internal protection were not accepted.
Hence, although the ombudsman shall with this Act become a body for external reporting of irregularities and upon the citizens’ complaints it would have to seek economic, financial and legal expertise, the additional funds for those activities have not been provided as yet, except for 200 000 Kuna for the promotion.