The Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions, which includes today more than 110 institutions worldwide, welcomed the adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and calls upon all stakeholders to work towards its implementation.

They welcome the call for human rights-based approach to implementing the Global Compact on Migration which should reflect both international as well as regional human rights obligations. In this regard, GANHRI urges all states that have not yet done so to ratify the International Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers and their Families, including Croatia, which concretizes existing human rights obligations towards migrants; they reiterate the need of States to promote and protect the rights of migrants irrespective of their migratory status, and call upon all stakeholders to monitor the rights of migrants irrespective of their migratory status through all United Nations human rights treaty body monitoring processes.

GANHRI also calls on states and regional organisations to provide avenues and fora for follow-up and review of the implementation of the Global Compact on Migration. Given that the first review will be in 2020 at the regional level, existing regional human rights systems will play an important role, particularly those in Africa, the Americas and Europe, which is why GANHRI recommends their inclusion in the review. As a matter of urgency, GANHRI calls upon all states to set out a process and fora at the national level for the implementation of the Global Compact onMigration. This process should be inclusive, regular, transparent and participatory, allowing for contributions from all stakeholders. It also should set out concrete goals and actions, and set out timelines for implementation.

Protection and promotion of the migrants’ rights is an important part of work of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in line with the mandate and functions under the Paris Principles thus GANHRI envisages numerous activities to be undertaken as their contribution to the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration.

Finally, GANHRI calls upon states to establish NHRIs where they do not yet exist, and to support and strengthen existing institutions in their human rights protection and promotion mandate.