A two-day meeting of the NHRIs’ Chairs from Germany, Finland, Netherlands and Croatia took place on 5-7 April 2019 in Berlin on the invitation of the German Institute for Human Rights’ Director Beate Rudolf.
This was an opportunity for exchanging experience on a number of issues as well as on possibilities for mutual cooperation in the future, both, bilaterally or within the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI), recently chaired by the Croatian Ombudswoman Lora Vidović. Great attention was also paid on the Berlin legacy as a city which is a symbol for the mass human rights violations during 20th century: in the Nazi context on the eve or during the WWII and later on during the city’s East and West division with all respective consequences. NHRI’s Chairs visited relevant museums like the Topography of Terror, Memorial dedicated to the killed European Jews and the Berlin Wall Memorial.